Le Grand Peep Show

A large Peep Show tent, a presence on the street, the sound of carnival music…
Inside, two marionettes perform an unusual courtship ritual.
Dressed in P.V.C black bodysuits, they communicate only by touch. Their language, at once comedic and sexy, embodies the infinite complexities of the relationship between men and women. For the really curious, a private Peep show is also available at the back…
“Sexy, funny, affectionate and aesthetically pleasing!”
Toronto Star
Directed by: David Danzon
Original Choreography: Sylvie Bouchard & David Danzon
Set Designer: Jorge Sandoval & David Danzon
Costume Designer: Heather McCrimmon & Jorge Sandoval
Premiered in 2008
Selected Performances
Just for laughs – Canada
Dublin Fringe Festival – Ireland
Stockton Riverside Festival – UK
Fête des artistes de Chassepierre – Belgium
Boulevard Festival – The Netherlands
Watch this space – London, UK
Theater op de Markt – Belgium
International Comedy Arts Festival – Germany
Porec Street Festival – Croatia